How to install WUSB600N driver for Windows 7?

To Install the driver for WUSB600N on Windows 7 follow the steps listed below. You need to download and extract the drivers for WUSB600N.

1. Connect the adapter to the Computer
2. It will display you the Message "Found New Hardware"
3. Select the Option "Browse My Comptuer for Driver Software" and click Next.
4. Click Browse and select the Folder where you have extracted all the Files on  your Computer and click OK.
5. Click Next.

This will Install the Drivers for your Adapter. Once installed sucessfully. Search for your Wireless Network and click on Connect. If the wireless network is secured, enter the security key or the Passphrase and click Connect.

Once connected, check if you are able to go online.

Well you should be.

This article applies to Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
