NAS200 - Download Manager !

The Download Manager is designed for users to initiate an FTP or HTTP download using a PC’s Web browser. Once the task is initiated, you may turn off the pc and NAS200 will continue the download independently. For instance if you are downloading a movie, you can use the NAS200 and use the computer for any other use or simply turn it off.

To configure the Download Manager, Open the NAS200 web based User Interface and click on Administration Tab. Than select System Options from the Left Hand Side. Here you can Enable / Disable the Download Manager. If the Download Manager feature has been enabled through the Administration > System Options screen and your login has Download Manager access, then the My Downloads option will also be displayed. On this Page in the Identification settings you can configure the network settings like the name of the device and the Workgroup. In the IP Address settings, you can set the device to either as a DHCP client or assign a Static IP Address. Its always recommeneded to assign a Static IP Address. Than comes the DNS Server settings option. Here too you can select between DHCP and static. Than there is WINS and DDNS that works with TZO. If you dont have an account with TZO, you can signup for one from this Option. Than there is Date & Time where you can enable and configure NTP and also see the status of the same. In E-Mail Alert you can configure upto 3 Emails that will be notified if any problem occurs. You need to specify the SMTP port number. Scheduled Shutdown enables you to schedule a Shutdown [:)]. And you have UPnP.

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